Xen's personal web-page

My maintained projects, documentation, scripts, tips, and sometimes my thoughts... all here.


Jekyll simplified

What is Jekyll? Jekyll is a static web pages generator. A normal regular websites usually work dynamically, That means they communicate in real-time with databases or Interpreters…etc. For example; A dynamic website will use languages such as PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby…and other script languages, All these require a interpreter in order to execute and talk back to the website which is most likely is hosted on the same server. It’s a long process that takes a lot of resources and time. from both; The server and the client (you). MORE

How to easily setup a Toolchain in Windows (Any Language)

Microsoft Windows is one of the best operation systems out there when it comes to casual desktop use or gaming. Unfortunately the same cannot be said when it comes to software or web development, For many reasons; like for example the lack of the famous unix shell which was designed by the legendary Ken Thompson himself back in the early 70’s. Microsoft tried to implement it in Windows 10 through a setting called “Windows Subsystem for Linux” but it didn’t took off because many people hated Windows 10 including myself and also didn’t solve many other issues, It was much easier to use a 3rd party software or just dual-boot than developing apps on Windows under WSL. MORE

How to create beautiful Scrollbars using pure CSS

Before anything; This tutorial is for browsers that uses the Blink engine, Like Chrome/Edge/Opera…etc. Firefox is excluded because it has it’s own engine called “gecko” and there’s a new one under development called “servo” written in their new programming language “Rust”. Unfortunately none of these two engines support custom scrollbars (only color/width) and their performance is limited compared to Blink as well. MORE

The Nothing Phone is disappointing just like i expected

When Nothing company announced their first phone ever (Phone(1)) last march everyone got excited, because the current state of the smartphone industry it’s just boring and lack innovation. Xiaomi currently dominates it and i don’t mind because they give their customers more bang for their buck or basically what they paid for, unlike other brands like Samsung for example which is declining and got knocked off from top 1 by Xiaomi last year. And they did it without the US market as well! MORE

How to brew Gunpowder Tea (My way)

When people generalize tea as a drink with one known flavor like coffee or orange juice is actually very misleading; It comes in different colors, flavors, and even minerals! And one of my favorite teas is a strong black tea with earthy taste called Gunpowder. MORE