Xen's personal web-page

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How to brew Gunpowder Tea (My way)

When people generalize tea as a drink with one known flavor like coffee or orange juice is actually very misleading; It comes in different colors, flavors, and even minerals! And one of my favorite teas is a strong black tea with earthy taste called Gunpowder.

Gunpowder Tea

The name “Gunpowder” refers to the small pellets of tea which are said to resemble the gunpowder used by british battleships in the 19th century, Although gunpowder tea is traditionally made with green tea leaves (camellia sinensis), the leaves for this infusion are left to oxidize and ferment until they become a black tea.

Brewing tea is not that easy if you want to experience a tasteful cup of tea filled with flavor and feels JUST RIGHT! Everyone has his own method which involves amounts of water, tea, time, temperature, and equipments…Here’s mine:

  1. Get the cup that you’re going to use
  2. Fill it with water
  3. Pour that water into the teapot
  4. Put that teapot on the stove on low heat until it starts to boil
  5. After you notice the boiling turn the stove off
  6. Open the teapot and put one teaspoon (6 grams) of Gunpowder Tea; Now remember that these small pellets are going to expand, So don’t put too much.
  7. Close the teapot lid and let it brew for about 3 to 4 minutes.
  8. In the meantime get that cup you used earlier and put about 2 or 3 cubes of sugar (1 cube = 1 teaspoon)
  9. Now after the tea is brewed pour it into the cup then pour it back into the pot then pour again into the cup!
  10. Enjoy!