Xen's personal web-page

My maintained projects, documentation, scripts, tips, and sometimes my thoughts... all here.


Posts in Category: "Personal"

The Nothing Phone is disappointing just like i expected

When Nothing company announced their first phone ever (Phone(1)) last march everyone got excited, because the current state of the smartphone industry it’s just boring and lack innovation. Xiaomi currently dominates it and i don’t mind because they give their customers more bang for their buck or basically what they paid for, unlike other brands like Samsung for example which is declining and got knocked off from top 1 by Xiaomi last year. And they did it without the US market as well! more

How to brew Gunpowder Tea (My way)

When people generalize tea as a drink with one known flavor like coffee or orange juice is actually very misleading; It comes in different colors, flavors, and even minerals! And one of my favorite teas is a strong black tea with earthy taste called Gunpowder. more

5 Things you need to know before buying a treadmill

When i bought a treadmill few years ago with some other fitness equipments to start getting in shape i had no clue that they require a maintenance routine every weeks or months! (depends on usage). I figured it out the hard and painful way, because in the first few months my treadmill started to have a burning smell and the motor became very hot that you cannot even touch it! And was struggling to keep running. I thought it was a over usage issue so i started to reduce my treadmill time about 50% which like a half hour, Until it completely broke and no longer was working…I did a lot of treadmill googling and i wandered different websites and videos…until i found out couple important things that you should know before buying or doing anything: more

My Paranoid Canary

When my cat died few months ago it was very rough for me to accept his death and move on, I needed something to help me cope and fill that emptiness… The first thing i’ve done is building a medium sized aquarium (fish tank) which i discovered is not that hard to do! you just need glass, glass cutter, silicone and that’s it! (Tutorial) then i started to wonder what should i put in it and i was thinking either some Goldfishs or i go with smaller fish like Betta or Molly, There’s other options as well but i settled with Guppies because they’re easy to maintain and not that aggressive, also they’re very colorful and pretty. more