Xen's personal web-page

My maintained projects, documentation, scripts, tips, and sometimes my thoughts... all here.


File URLs Doctor

FUD is a very small executable that can be used to scan files/directories for dead links! It’s cross-platform and highly customizable and can give you a lot of detailed information.

  • IPv6 support
  • Redirects following (28 Protocols!)
  • Proxy with IPv6 support (http, https, socks4, socks4a, socks5, socks5h)
  • Recursive scanning
  • URL Duplication detection
  • ANSI and Windows good ol’ cmd.exe support

This small tool is very useful if you have a an old blog/website and you want to check all links in it if it still working or need to be updated. It can be used for other tasks as well.


Windows 64bit Windows 32bit Linux Binary (64bit)

Don’t forget to check out Releases Page.

User Installation

  1. Un-zip/decompress the file you downloaded
  2. Open the folder/directory
  3. You’re going to find the executable inside, DO NOT OPEN IT
  4. Use terminal/command-line instead. By right clicking an empty space and select “Open in Terminal” or if you on Windows you can Shift+Right Click then select “Open command window here”. You can also just open the terminal and then use the classic “cd” command followed by the folder path which will work on all systems.

TIP: If you use Windows then you can copy and paste the executable to C:\Windows and then you can use it from anywhere! In Linux you can put the executable in the Home folder (~/).


Call the executable name followed by files

./fud file1.html "file2.cpp" file3.js...etc

You can use directories/folders as well:

./fud dir1 "dir2" dir3...etc

The –recursive flag can be useful when you deal with directories, So instead of:

./fud dir1 dir1/dir2 dir1/dir2/dir3...etc


./fud dir1 --recursive

This will scan all the regular files in this directory recursively.

You can use –help for more info or continue reading…

  • –timeout=[NUMBER], Request timeout in seconds. default is 30sec.

  • –recursive, Scans directories recursively. Takes no value and by default is disabled.

  • –ipv6=[TRUE,FALSE], Enables IPv6 support instead of IPv4, keep in mind that IPv6 is slower than IPv4, default is false.

  • –followredirects=[TRUE,FALSE], If set true then it will follow any HTTP redirect during request. default is true.
  • –maxredirects=[NUMBER], Requires previous flag. Maximum number of redirects to follow, using “-1” means for infinity. default is -1.

  • –redirectsprotocols=[protocols], Which protocols will be accepted during URL request redirect following process. If you desire to use other protocols you can use these: all,http,https,ftp,ftps,file,gopher,imap,imaps,ldap,ldaps,pop3,pop3s,rtmp,rtmpe,rtmps, rtmpt,rtmpte,rtmpts,rtsp,scp,sftp,smb,smbs,smtp,smtps,telnet,tftp,dict. Remember to separate them using comma(,) and without spaces. If no protocols specified then “all” option will be used by default which will activate the following protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS.

  • –ansi=[TRUE,FALSE], Enables ANSI escape sequences, Useful for modern terminals and POSIX systems. default is auto which means false in windows and true in other systems.

  • –verbose, Enables verbose mode which will print more details, It’s good for debugging. Takes no value and by default is disabled.

  • –duplicatecheck, All URLs will be checked even the duplicates. Takes no value and by default is disabled.

  • –proxy=[SCHEME://PROXY:PORT], Uses proxy during requests; Numerical IPv6 proxies must be written within brackets [], as for protocols you can use: http, https, socks4, socks4a, socks5, socks5h. if no scheme/protocol is specified then http:// will be used, and if no port is specified then 1080 will be used.

Dev Installation

Nothing special, just make sure you have libcurl installed in your OS/toolchain:

Debian based (Ubuntu, Mint, Pop!_ OS..etc)

sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev

Arch based

sudo pacman -S libcurl-openssl-dev

Notice that this will install the openssl default version, there’s other flavors. Check your package manager.

That’s it! the rest of work is done by cmake, here’s how:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4

If you’re a Windows user i suggest you to setup a MSYS2 environment and get used to it, because Windows in general is not that great for software development, It also comes with a better terminal (command-line) Just make sure you have the GCC/libcurl installed and then use the cmake -G flag to generate the Makefiles:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G"MSYS Makefiles" ..
make -j4

OR just download the libcurl library and use it. You can also download the source code and then build it with ./configure


File URLs Doctor is Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (LGPLv3). Please read the COPYING.LESSER file for more info. OR visit the Free Software Foundation website.