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League of Legends freeze at minute 7 fix

League of Legends is one of the best games of all time. This according to statistics and whether we like it or not, it’s very addictive; So if you’re a millennial or a zoomer you definitely have tried it before in your life and if you say otherwise i won’t believe you :)

MOBA games in general relays mainly on three things: Teamwork, High FPS and Low Ping. You can live without the first one and maybe carry your trash team, but the last two are necessary for having a good quality gaming.

One of the most frustrating experience i had in this game (besides matchmaking) is the minute 7 or 8 freezing bug! Basically you open up the client and you login then queue up then go through champion select and then get into a game; everything works fine and smooth… BUT when minute 7 or 8 approach the game freezes and nothing you can do to bring it back, not even your friend CTRL+ALT+DEL! Also you can’t kill it from the task manager by selecting “End Process”.

This mysterious bug drove me crazy; and i almost quit the game because of it. I found 0 solutions/explanations online not even in Riot Games forums. Until months later some clues began to appear, here’s some:

  • The bug only happens to Intel processors.
  • The bug only occur on Windows.
  • This means that this bug has a connection with DirectX. The framework Riot Games used to create this game.
  • The bug didn’t occur in old patches. that means something changed by the software engineers created this bug.


There’s two ways to fix this annoying bug; The good ol’ fashioned way or using the new option which was implemented recently by Riot Games in their client:

Old ways:

  1. Make sure everything related to LoL or Riot Games is closed.
  2. Go to Riot Games installation folder (C:\Riot Games), then enter “League of Legends” directory then into “Config” directory; So the full path is: C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config.
  3. Find a configuration file called “game.cfg”.
  4. Open it with your favorite text editor or just the classical Windows notepad.exe
  5. Find a option called “PreferDX9LegacyMode” and change it’s value from 0 to 1. Example: PreferDX9LegacyMode=1
  6. Save the config file that you just edited

New Easy Method:

  1. Open the LoL client and login to your account
  2. Open the options menu from the top right corner (between X and _)
  3. Select “GAME” from the left panel
  4. In the first section “GRAPHICS” you’re going to find a option called “Prefer DX9 Legacy Mode”; Check it and then click “DONE”.

That’s it! This should fix this damn annoying bug and also roll back the DirectX version to 9 which in my opinion is much better.