Xen's personal web-page

My maintained projects, documentation, scripts, tips, and sometimes my thoughts... all here.


Add pagination to your Github page or Jekyll website

My modified github pages theme didn’t have pagination implemented already despite jekyll have a built-in plugin for it called jekyll-paginate, so i spent a lot of time trying to understand how it works until i got it done, here’s how in short and a simplified manner.

If you’re on github pages you don’t need to install anything because it’s already installed by default and cannot be removed, otherwise install the plugin i just mentioned in your jekyll system by using:

gem install jekyll-paginate

…After making sure the plugin is installed now open your config file “_config.yml” and add these two lines:

paginate: 5
paginate_path: "/page:num/"

Obviously the number “5” is how many posts you want to display per page, while the other is used for URL. “:num” is the number of page, you can change the word “page” with something else but it’s recommended to leave like that.

Now in the same folder/directory find file called “index.md” or “index.markdown” and change the extension to HTML (index.html), if it’s already an HTML file then leave like that and open the file.

You’re going to find a loop that display posts using the “site.posts”, change site to paginator. the code should be something like this:

<!-- Notice the "paginator.posts", it's important -->
{% for post in paginator.posts %}
	<h2><a href="{{post.url}}" title="{{post.title}}">{{post.title}}</a></h2>
	<time datetime='{{post.date | date: "%B %d. %Y"}}'>{{post.date | date: "%B %d. %Y"}}</time>
{% endfor %}

Remember to keep your own original HTML code you don’t have to to use this code, just change the loop originator.

Now head over to “_layouts” folder and find a file called default.html and open it. Pick a place where you want to show the pagination and add the following code:

<!-- Checks if current page is front page -->
{% if page.url == "/" or page.url contains "/page" %}
	<!-- Pagination div -->
	<div class="pagination">
		<!-- Previous span -->
		<span id="previous">{% if paginator.previous_page %}<a href="{{ paginator.previous_page_path }}">Previous</a>{% else %}<span>Previous</span>{% endif %}</span>
		<!-- Page Numbers span -->
		<span id="page_number"> | Page: {{ paginator.page }} of {{ paginator.total_pages }} | </span>
		<!-- Next span -->
		<span id="next">{% if paginator.next_page %}<a href="{{ paginator.next_page_path }}">Next</a>{% else %}<span>Next</span>{% endif %}</span>
{% endif %}

The first conditional statement will make sure to show pagination only when user is on the front page and not in a post or other pages. Notice the contains “/page”, if you changed the paginate_path option in config file to other words then make sure to add them in this code as well. Example. if you used this option:

paginate_path: "/blog/pages:num/"

Then the first conditional statement should be:

{% if page.url == "/" or page.url contains "/blog/pages" %}

That’s it! The only thing now left is the styling (CSS) which is fun! Here’s a little example i made:

* This file is part of the jekyll pagination tutorial i made.
* For full article visit:
* https://xen-e.github.io/2022/05/22/jekyll-pagination.html
* - Xen
.pagination {
	margin: auto;
	width: 60%;
	border: 2px solid rgb(175, 89, 175);
	border-radius: 7px;
	padding: 10px;
	text-align: center;
	font-size: 16px;
	background-color: rgb(241, 223, 241);
	color: rgb(162, 126, 185);
	cursor: default;
.pagination #previous a {
	cursor: pointer;
	text-decoration: none;
	font-weight: bold;
	color: hotpink;
.pagination #previous a:hover { color: rgb(243, 172, 208); }

.pagination #next a {
	cursor: pointer;
	text-decoration: none;
	font-weight: bold;
	color: hotpink;
.pagination #next a:hover { color: rgb(243, 172, 208); }

.pagination #page_number {
	font-size: 14px;
	padding: 0 10px;