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Windows Beep

Motherboard internal speakers Computers back in the day used to be shipped with something called PC Internal Speakers which was mainly used by the BIOS and sometimes old software, today motherboards still have a port for them but you have to buy one now instead of getting it for free. i got mine from my old Pentium 4 PC when i was cleaning stuff i used it on my newer motherboard to see if still works and it did! but only when i turned on the PC not when i logged in to Windows.

The reason behind that is because Microsoft dropped the support for their “beep” driver which is located in “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\beep.sys”. The affected systems are Windows XP 64-bit edition and Windows Vista. All Windows versions after that didn’t support the classic “beep” sound in motherboards including Windows 7 which is i was using.

Here’s how you fix it; Go to this page and download the modified driver of “beep.sys” (They have a 64-bit version as well) then:

  1. Un-zip the file
  2. open cmd as admin and type:
    sc config Beep start= demand

    notice the space before demand

  3. Now right click on beepxp.inf and select Install. The driver will now be installed into the system. If there are no errors on installation, it will silently proceed.
  4. Reboot/Restart your PC.

The new driver you just installed is called BeepXP and the old one is just Beep, so if you want to uninstall it just type in the cmd:

sc config BeepXP start= demand
sc config Beep start= auto

After restart you should have a full functioning internal speaker, I made a small single CPP file that can play a set of songs to test your speaker you can find it here, just clone and build and start using it:

git clone https://github.com/Xen-E/windows-beep.git
cd windows-beep
beep.exe test1